Generate FP_HASH

This is for documentation purpose only. please use fp_hash_2 or fp_hash_all or fp_hmac for more detailed data validation.
SHA-256 HASH is used to generate the value of fp_hash.
fp_hash = SHA-256(StringToHash)
the StringToHash is colon-separated list derived from the response data and the SECURITY WORD,
StringToHash = fp_paidto+":"+fp_paidby+":"+fp_store+":"+fp_amnt+":"+fp_batchnumber+":"+fp_currency+":"+SECURITY_WORD

Generate FP_HASH_2

SHA-256 HASH is used to generate the value of fp_hash_2.
fp_hash_2 = SHA-256(StringToHash)
the StringToHash is colon-separated list derived from the response data and the SECURITY WORD,
StringToHash = fp_paidto+":"+fp_paidby+":"+fp_store+":"+fp_amnt+":"+fp_fee_amnt+":"+fp_fee_mode+":"+fp_total+":"+fp_batchnumber+":"+fp_currency+":"+SECURITY_WORD

Generate FP_HASH_ALL

SHA-256 HASH is used to generate the value of fp_hash_all.
fp_hash_all = SHA-256(StringToHash)
the StringToHash is pipe-separated list derived from the response data and the SECURITY WORD with order governed by fp_hash_list ,
StringToHash = fp_acc+"|"+fp_acc_from+"|"+...+"|"+n

Generate FP_HMAC

prefixed data with keyed SHA-256 hash value using HMAC method.
fp_hmac = HMAC-SHA256(SECURITY_WORD, StringToHash)+StringToHash
the StringToHash is pipe-separated list derived from the response data and with order governed by fp_hash_list but without the SECURITY WORD,
StringToHash = fp_acc+"|"+fp_acc_from+"|"+...+"|"+n