
Announcement of Holiday Christmas and New Year 2013


FasaPay not serve your Transaction (Top Up and Redeem) on 24-26 December 2012.
Transactions Top-Up and Redeem served back 27-28 December 2012.

New Year Holiday 2013, FasaPay not serve starts on December 31, 2012 until January 2, 2013.

Thank you

Security Features


Complete the ease and convenience of transaction in FasaPay with various security features that we provide.
Your transactions will safer and more secure with new features, pin transaction and pin ip settings.
Use the features that we provide for the comfort of your transaction

Holiday Notification


To celebrate Islamic New Year (1 Muharram 1434) that coincide on the date of November 15th, 2012, FasaPay will not serving Top-Up and Redeem Transactions at the mentioned date. FasaPay will re-open both Top-Up and Redeem Transactions on the date of November 16th, 2012.